Thursday, November 10, 2011

Last weekend's benediction

A couple people told me they found last weekend's benediction meaningful, and asked if I would post it here. I'm happy to do that, so here it is:

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I press the cross into you. As you receive it may you be humbled by God’s capacity for grace. May you rest in the knowledge that you are blessed by God and in His eyes, counted among the first-born.

May you be used by God to bring scandalous, intervening grace to the lives of others. May you bless those who don’t seek it or you think don’t deserve it. And may you seize the opportunities that abound to bless those you love, especially those who long to receive your blessing.

And may His word continue to give you strength for today, and hope for tomorrow. Amen.

Have a great week and don't forget to pray for our troops, and reflect on those who have sacrificed for us. "Lest we forget..."

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