Friday, December 31, 2010

My 3 Words for 2011

I was reading a blog today and the guy was talking about his 3 words for 2011. A resolution of sorts… he picked 3 words that had a lot of meaning to him and he said he was going to use them as guideposts for the things he wanted to do in 2011.

I’m not one for resolutions… they always are broken, but the 3 words thing sounded intriguing to me. It could set the tone for the whole year. It basically says, “This is what I want to focus on. This is what I want to be about.”

I just finished reading a book titled When Christians Get it Wrong by Adam Hamilton. So when I started to think about my potential 3 word vision, I started to ask myself these questions…  What do I want to accomplish? ... but more importantly… Who do I want to become?

Some of the words Adam used to describe Christians who get it wrong won’t come much as a surprise to most of you:
  • Judgmental       
  • Unforgiving
  • Critical
  • Mean-spirited
  • Closed minded
  • Fearful
He says when Christians get it right they demonstrate, respect, humility & love. They practice the fruits of the spirit, patience, joy, peace, love, kindness, gentleness, generosity, faithfulness and self-control. They put others before themselves and practice sacrificial love.

Jesus put people before rules. He loved people who were considered dirty with an unconditional love and in Him they found hope. I want to be more like Jesus…. So I’ve decided on 3 phrases instead of 3 words (it’s easier for me):
  1. Put people before rules
  2. Read all scripture in light of what Jesus said and did
  3. Practice sacrificial love
What are Your Words?

Now you know my words, what are yours? Take some time to think it through. What has God been telling you lately, maybe that's where you need to start. Once you have them, and you feel like sharing, post them here on the discussion board. I'll also post the question on our Facebook page.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with Adam.

You need to put Scripture(God) above all people, and there are rules. Scripture needs to be taught in the context of what God is saying.

I am being 'critical' right now because of what I have read. Does that make me a bad Christian? Jesus was also very critical. I love my kids, but I need to be critical of their actions for correction.

As a Christian I have to be closed minded to religious teachings that are incorrect. Doesn't mean I have to be rude, or disrespectful....but understanding that at the end of the day....I will not compromise. And neither did Jesus.