Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hello Church Family,

I hope you are enjoying the E100 series as much as I am. Last weekend, the challenge to share my faith landed on me with a loud thump. Am I really ready to tell others what Jesus means to me? To share Him with a co-worker, a friend, a neighbour? It’s easy to look at someone and simply think "they don't want to hear it." Here is where the "thump" sounded for me. The truth is, I was that someone. It’s how I came to know Jesus.

A friend of mine had decided to follow Jesus but didn't think I would want to talk about it. Noticing something was different, I finally asked him to share his newfound faith with me. Through our conversation and reading the Bible, I too decided to follow Jesus. That was 30 years ago, and I am thankful that we were able to have that simple conversation. Is there “someone” you know? I encourage you to share Jesus with them.

This Sunday is Remembrance Day. Please take time to reflect upon the price that was paid for the freedom we enjoy and to pray for our soldiers and veterans.


Member, Board of Elders