Friday, July 13, 2012

Greetings SPAC family.

This morning I was reading in Hebrews chapter nine; it’s a meaty chapter. My point in sharing this with you isn’t so you’ll think more highly of me and my superior devotion to God and scripture. The fact is that in the last couple of weeks, my devotional times have been hit and miss. Summer and the change of routine play a large part in my struggle to be consistent, but laziness and lack of discipline are large contributors too.  I imagine many of you reading this share the same struggles with me.
This morning I was tempted to sleep in; it's been hot and humid, and I haven’t been sleeping well, but this morning I realized how much I’ve missed talking with and listening to God through the Word. A wonderful thing happened as I went to my favourite spot, coffee in hand, and opened God’s word—God showed up! And not in a condemning or shaming way. I felt God saying He missed me too, and that inspires me to be more devoted to my time with Him.
So part of my prayer this morning included a re-commitment to interact with God over the summer with my “go to” disciplines (reading, listening, prayer) but also through nature, community, and my family. As one of your pastors, let me encourage you to invite God into the unique rhythm of your summer. Let’s commit to being diligent, disciplined, creative and open to God’s presence during this season.

See you soon.
Pastor Kevin