Monday, December 19, 2011

The Gift

Have you ever thought it would be easier to believe in Jesus or follow Him if you had been with him while he was here on earth?  I’ve often envied the disciples and those who spent time with him.  However, as I’ve been meditating in the gospel of John recently, I’m reminded that Jesus doesn’t agree with me on this.  He actually said it is better for us that He was going away because of a gift He would send us.  The gift of the Holy Spirit (John 16:7).  In John 14-16 Jesus  gives several reason why this will be better. The Spirit will guide us into all Truth.  He will be our Advocate, Comforter, Counselor, Helper and Intercessor. The Holy Spirit won’t just be with us, He will be in us. 24/7.  When Jesus was here he was limited to touching those within the region where he lived, the Spirit however, will minister to believers on every corner of the globe----simultaneously!

Another thing Jesus said about this gift of the Spirit is that in spite of His activity, the world will not recognize Him because they aren’t looking for him. In a fresh way this Christmas I am thanking Jesus not just for coming to earth, but for sending us the person of the Holy Spirit when He left.  As a response, I want one of my gifts to Jesus to be that I more actively look and listen to what His Spirit is saying and doing; that I will quickly obey His promptings and follow His lead. Thank you Jesus for the gift of your Holy Spirit!