Thursday, February 3, 2011


You know the word. I suspect you also have felt the word. Embarrass is “to cause confusion and shame or to make someone uncomfortably self-conscious”. I remember being at swimming provincials at the Commonwealth Pool back in my teenage days and I was late for my race. I heard the last call over the loud speaker and I panicked. I whipped off my track pants and ran to my starting block only to look down and see that I did not have my swim suit on. The referee said my trunks looked like boxers – that’s because they were! A tough day. I was embarrassed.

I have also been embarrassed by the actions of some Christians – whether it be in history past or stories from the present day. I can think of a conversation I had with one server at a local restaurant where she said she hates working on Sunday because the church crowd is cheap and demanding. I was embarrassed again but this time in a deeper way. I’m sure I’ve been an embarrassment too sometimes.

On one hand we realize that people aren’t perfect and can’t act right all the time but what we might forget or not pay attention to enough is another definition of embarrass and that is “to put obstacles or difficulties in the way of”. What a tragedy it is that as we claim to be followers of Christ we might in effect be adding obstacles in people’s way as they seek to find truth and meaning in this world.

In the book of Colossians chapter two we are reminded that we are a chosen people, a holy nation, God’s own possession. It goes on to say this is so we can show others the goodness of God, for He has called us out of the darkness.

We should never tire of the challenge to be humble people who are open to God indwelling us and changing us to be more like Jesus.

We should never tire of hearing yet again that our God is a good God who is merciful and who forgives. What a great reason to follow.
